Samata on Clubhouse

Are you on Clubhouse, find Samata here.

AIR Magazine

Samata included in Air Magazine. Entitled, ‘Changing Clothes’ Samata spoke to journalist John Thatcher discussing everything from social justice and environmental respect, across to working with young designers and material innovation.

KEISei: 6 Inspiring Women talk about Female in Business and Sustainability

KeiSei Mag is a digital sustainable fashion and lifestyle magazine, presents easily digestible inspiration for the reader pursuing and ethical and mindful way of living, from a positive and non-judgemental place. Read the[…]

Global Fashion Agenda Celebrates International Women’s Day 2021: Celebrating Pioneering Women In Fashion

Today we celebrate International Women’s Day. Observed annually on 8th March, it is a day to mark the value and accomplishments of women, as well as the continued struggles they face all over the[…]

Sheer Luxe: 10 Women Share What International Women’s Day Means To Them

10 Women Share What International Women’s Day Means To Them This year’s International Women’s Day is unlike any other. As the impact of the pandemic is felt around the world, it’s estimated more[…]

Talia Collective Interview: Can Regulation Transform Fashion?

Can Regulation Transform Fashion? By Ruth MacGilp The fashion industry contributes around 4% of all global greenhouse gas emissions and is the second highest risk category for modern slavery. What’s more, the industry[…]