PomPom Planet-friendly Paradise

Babies grow out of everything at incredible speeds, and it’s too easy to end up entangled in a mess of virtually unrecyclable items – particularly when it feels like everything made for babies made[…]

Ecos’ Traditional Green Chemistry and Its New Line of Baby Products

One of the things I’m happiest about within the growing array of conscious products is the appearance of more baby-focused items. I have a toddler around the house, and keeping him safe and[…]

Pure Thoughts, a Britain-Made Alternative to Conventional Candles

I love having candles around the house, particularly those that work their aromatherapy magic. However, I also have an infant at home, and my number one priority is always keeping the safest environment[…]

Serendipity Organics – A Magical Find

Sustainable fashion is my day-to-day. It is, first and foremost, the focus of my work; however, it is also a life philosophy. I love living in a time in which it is getting[…]